News Big Cystic Acne Blackheads Extraction Blackheads & Milia, Whiteheads Removal Pimple Popping

Cystic acne and blackhead extractions should generally be done with caution to avoid further irritation, scarring, or infection. It’s important to understand the difference between cystic acne and blackheads:

  1. Cystic Acne: These are large, painful, deep bumps under the skin. They are filled with pus and can be inflamed. These are best treated by a dermatologist, as attempting to pop or extract them can lead to scarring or infection.
  2. Blackheads: These are clogged pores that have opened to the surface, where the trapped oil and dead skin cells oxidize and turn black. Blackheads can be more safely extracted at home, but again, proper hygiene is essential.

Steps for Extraction (If Safe to Do):

  1. Cleanse Your Skin: Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and excess oil from your skin. Avoid harsh scrubbing, as this can irritate the acne.
  2. Steam Your Face: Steaming helps open up your pores, making extraction easier and less painful. You can use a facial steamer or place your face over a bowl of hot water (covering your head with a towel to trap the steam).
  3. Sanitize Your Hands & Tools: Wash your hands thoroughly and sanitize any tools (like comedone extractors) that you might use.
  4. Use Gentle Pressure: If you’re trying to extract a blackhead, apply gentle pressure around the clogged pore using your fingers or a tool. Avoid using excessive force. For cystic acne, it is usually best to avoid extracting.
  5. Aftercare: After the extraction, apply an antiseptic to the area to reduce the risk of infection, and follow up with a soothing moisturizer or treatment products like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

When to Seek Professional Help:

  • If the cystic acne is persistent, large, or painful, seeing a dermatologist for professional extraction or treatment is recommended.
  • If you are unsure about doing it yourself, a dermatologist or licensed esthetician can perform extractions safely and may offer other treatments like cortisone injections, which can reduce cystic acne inflammation quickly.

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